2013 Annual General Meeting



3rd December 2013

The chairman opened by welcoming the members to the A.G.M. and thanked them for all the food they had provided.

  1.        Apologies for absence

Derek Randall, Barry Lewis, Marian Wierszycki, Derek & Gisela Turner, Margaret Martin, Jim Tite, Hazel Bleay, Carol Thompson, Simon Baynes, David Youens, Judy Glenn, Cecil Wiggs.

  1.       Minutes of the last A.G.M.

The minutes had been distributed prior to the start of the meeting. These were accepted as a true record. Their adoption was proposed by Janet Eaton and seconded by Margaret Taylor. All members were in favour.

  1.       Matters arising


  1.       Chairman’s Report

The Chairman reported that it had been an excellent year with 136 members. There were high levels of attendance at all meetings with about 90 members attending. Four of our own members gave talks – Ken Mason, Simon Baynes, Chris Bowler and Derek Turner. Maurice thanked Colin for his organization.

Maurice also thanked Rosalie for arranging all the visits this year. The four visits were all very well attended – Stratford upon Avon, Shugborough Hall, Hatfield House and Uppark House.

Thanks were also expressed to Ken and Colin for the sound equipment and Addy Patterson for storing the equipment, Pat & John Wills for putting out and re-stacking the chairs for meetings, and Tina, Jerry, Debbie and Anne for the table decorations. Finally thanks to all the members and committee for all the support during the year.

The Church Pew which was rescued when the church was reorganized in 1990 was restored and has now been reinstalled in the chancel and a plaque fitted. Hopefully next year there will be more information on the historically important tombs.

We also hope to organize a members evening at some point, showing photographs of members visits and events over the years.

THS would like to set up a web site and he asked for a volunteer to set this up.

A special ‘thank you’ was given to Leonard Cohen for attending the AGM despite now living in London.

  1.       Treasurer’s Report

A simple Report of Finances is attached which was adopted.

Proposer was Julia Bailey, Seconder, Chris Bowler.

All members were in agreement.


  1.       Election of Officers

Colin took over the meeting at this stage and thanked Maurice for all his work over the last year as Chairman. He proposed the re-election of Maurice as chairman, which was seconded by Derek Brown and agreed unanimously.

The existing committee was re-elected en bloc, proposed by Marian Wierszycki and seconded by Sandy Wellsted.

Chairman – Maurice Kirtland

Vice Chairman & Programme Secretary – Colin Sear

Membership Secretary and Treasurer – Rosalie Gibson

Minutes Secretary – Sandra Rumens

Other committee members – Pat Wills and Ken Bailey

Chris Bowler has also joined the committee, proposed by Len Chapman seconded by Maggie Sear

  1.       Election of two members to Thame Museum Trust

Maurice Kirtland and Julia Bailey were voted in, proposed by Ken Mason and seconded by Marian Edwards.

  1.       Subscription

The subscription will remain the same for 2014 at £10.00 per member, and £2.00 per visitor. Proposed Ken Mears, seconded Len Chapman.

  1.       Programme for 2013

The programme for 2014 was read out by Colin Sear.

  1.       Any other business

There was no other business.

The meeting was entertained by Geoff and Joan Todd from Deddington with their barrel organ and tales of their travels.